Sunday, January 01, 2006

2006 Resolutions

Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit.

Hey look at that -- it’s 2006 already! ‘Spose I should make some new year’s resolutions. (I know -- how original!)

1. Travel more. (Leaving on a jet plane tomorrow, in fact).
2. Related to that - get a passport already!
3. Go outside my comfort zone (got a hike along a cliff side 1,000 feet up scheduled in a week - there will be some sweaty palms but a gorgeous view and a 500 foot waterfall).
4. Lose some weight. Okay that one may be almost a cheat ‘cause I am already doing that but I’ll keep it up.
5. Do the Bolder Boulder (which I’ve done before -- race walking but should go again now that I am actually in shape for it).
6. Play more fetch and take more walks with my babies.
7. Try to be more patient and understanding of my husband who is on a completely different planet (yeah, him -- Mars, me -- Venus, I know, I know...). Packing six pairs of shorts for a week’s vacation may make sense on Mars (three are khaki green and three are khaki tan). Weird that he’s actually the one that overpacks ...
8. Edit, edit, edit. Ebay, charity, craigslist ... boxes to the MIL ... I need breathing room.
9. More projects around the house. We may be here awhile so might as well keep it from falling down! And get rid of the remaining white walls.
10. Add another human to my family.
11. Have more days off - at least one *whole* weekend a month.
12. Learn to better schedule my time (as much as I can with crazy clients and crazy project managers).
13. Change my hairstyle (since my sisters accused me of having the same on from third grade -- they apparently forgot the long bangs, shaved head, purple hair, blue tail eras of my locks.) This is kind of a cheat - I had my hair cut two days ago and it is definitely different.
14. Organize. Everything.
15. Write more often. There are children’s books in my head involving my pets’ escapades and my sister Annie’s big box of colored pencils. There are article ideas. There’s this blog. There’s a lot to say.

And with that -- Happy new year!

1 comment:

Sus said...

Travel more???!!!! Dang girl! *LOL*