Sunday, December 04, 2005

Fishy follow up

Right after I posted my thoughts about the Aarone Thompson case, the Aurora chief of police held a press conference that confirmed a lot of my questions. How does a six-year-old girl just disappear?

Later that evening I answered one of my questions -- sort of -- while talking with a neighbor. There's a house on the corner, I affectionally call the Crack house. The people there, I am sure, are very nice but very, very reclusive. My neighbor Bridget's kids are friends with the corner kids but aren't allowed in the house. The shades are always drawn and most of the time looks like no one is home. We're not quite sure exactly how many people live there. The house was empty for about a year and then these folks seemed to move in in the middle of the night. So I can see how neighbors might not have known much about the Thompson family. My surprise in the conversation was that Alex's dad was going to help another neighbor move the hot tub. Alex is the little boy in the house but I've never seen dad so didn't know there was one. In fact, haven't really seen much of mom either.

However, the kids play outside and with neighbor kids. And I have talked to their adorable, although shy, five- or six-year-old. She's definitely there. The family may be reclusive but the kids all know each other.

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