Monday, December 19, 2005

If it is bad for you, eat or drink it faster

I was at a holiday party the other night where someone had brought Absinthe (yes, the real thing). I tried a sip and it was the most antiseptic thing I had ever tasted. One of the fellow party-goers’ theory was the more bad (or bad-tasting) something is, the faster you should drink it. Of course, I went with an alternate theory - don’t drink it at all.

I’m applying the theory -- slightly modified -- to holiday goodies. They’re not bad tasting but they are bad for me. So the theory is I’ll eat them faster. After all, once they are gone, then how can they be bad for me anymore!


Sus said...

I took the same approach with my cookies! Damn I'm a good baker sometimes!!

By the way, who brought the Absinthe cause one can't purchase it in America. I've always wanted to try it, just caues ya know how weird I am!

DodysWorld said...

I think it was a "homebrew".